... I didn't think I'd get this far.
For a simple description, my name is Rumor... not really, but I plan to reuse this layout for something else, so Rumor is what you get! Don't really got much else to say about that besides the fact I draw and I'm going to college, also.
Grunge has been a very important part of my life, not only in terms of the fashion and music, but also it's messages about "dirty" or "unwanted" topics that don't get addressed in modern day. There are baby steps, sure, but this is sorta meant to be just... me. The most honest I have ever been with myself. Ya!
I am very very reclusive and keep to myself a majority of the time, but friends know me as funny, sweet and playful! I have been honing in my talent of art for around 7 years now, and have entirely taught just myself during that time period.
Currently, I am just trying to hone in my people skills a little bit more, and I want to amplify that with my more creative side of making things from scratch and sharing it with others!